Dyslexia Unlocked
Neurodivergent women sought for jobs at GCHQ and BAE Systems Richard Bacon: 'Why I quite like my ADHD' Camilla Pang: 'You have to acknowledge the hilarity of what it is to be human' Siena Castellon: 'Autistic people are really struggling with how uncertain things are' Mical
Francesca Happe on Autism The cruel reaction to Greta Thunberg isn’t just because she’s a young woman – it’s because she has Asperger's I knew people found me uncanny and strange – then came the diagnosis that explained it all CEOs finally get it. Staff on the autism spectrum are a huge asset
Why do dyslexic students do worse at university?
James Martin reveals learning difficulty – and the inspiring way he’s dealt with it Dr Sylvia Moody recently passed away, she was best known for her
work with dyslexic adults. Dyspraxia Can Be Serious
BBC News 9/10/22
The Observer 29/11/20
The Guardian 11/1/20
Dyslexia Film 15/9/20
The Life Scientific 1/9/20
The Independent 15/8/19
The Guardian 16/7/19
Wired 10/5/19
The Guardian 6/12/18
Woman & Home 4/7/18
Last Word - BBC Radio 4 9/4/17
The Guardian 29/10/12
Due to the restrictions imposed by Covid-19 we are currently only offering face to face meetings under safe conditions. We are also able to offer a fully comprehensive service either over Skype, Zoom or through phone conversations.
Call us now on 01273 758760 or email claire@dyslexia-unlocked.com to arrange a session.
Dyslexia Unlocked is a Brighton based company working throughout the UK for people with a range of differences such as:
- Dyslexia
- AD(H)D
- Dyspraxia
- Autism and Asperger's Syndrome
- Other neuro diverse conditions

We are able to provide advice about funding for support through:
- The Disabled Students' Allowance
- Access to Work
- Other sources
Call us on 01273 758760 to discuss possible funding.
ADHD Aware
Claire has recently been working with ADHD Aware on an educational film all about ADHD. The film has now gone live, take a look!
They give amazing support to adults with ADHD as well as their family and peers. Support groups are run in Brighton and Hove with a information service across the country.
Dyslexia Simulation
This is a simulation of how a dyslexic person or someone with visual stress may percieve reading a page of text. It's not impossible but takes a great degree of concentration and time.
We now have links to a very well qualified and experienced Optometrist who can assess and help remidate issues caused by visual stress (also known as Irlen's syndrome).